My arsenal of web-development has always been encompassed with two major languages, Javascript (ES6)and Python (3.6).
I have always been fascinated by Javascript frameworks for Front-End usage that’s why when Vue started to become popular, I decided to give it a try, speaking as a person from an Angular background, I was intensively impressed by its size, performance, documentation, and ease.
On the other hand, the ease and speed provided by Pythons web framework Flask was my first pick as it required quick Restful API creation with direct access to the ORM.
For this article, I’ll mainly be covering my chosen directory structure and how to interconnect Flask and Vue. In the following articles, we shall handle Vue routing practices that work well with flask and deployment to an Apache2 server.
Let’s quickly cover the roles of the major files and directories:-
Let’s speak a little more about the app directory as it contains the Vue JS configuration.
The api_1_0 directory in this case is a python module that contains all the RESTFUL API code and blueprint.
The client directory on the other hand has all our front end VueJS code in a directory named vue-app and a magical module file that connects our VueJS project to flask by using the Vue dist folder to load the root page via index.html.
module file for client directory
module file for app directory
The client_bp creates a blueprint to the vue-app/dist directory that contains the vuejs production build files.
The @client_bp.route(‘/’) route declaration then uses Flask’s render_template method to load the index.html file built by Vue as the root path.
The app then register’s the blueprints with the API blueprint pointing to route /api/v1 and the client_bp blueprint pointing to our Vuejs project.
In the next series, I will be covering more specific details from configurations to Vuejs.